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Soothe your soul through your ears

You'll just have to allow me the indulgence of this page. In my life before doing counselling I was a musician (still am sometimes) so I have a particular appreciation for the ways in which music can reach parts of us that nothing else can touch. Your kids might be into music too - it probably sounds like senseless noise to you but it means something to them. Perhaps there's some music you'd love to share with your family. What's your theme song? Your power ballad? Your celebration anthem? Your "peaceful place" song? If you find something you like here, you might link from these clips to other music of a similar vein.

J. S. Bach - Cello Suites

I promise this won't all be classical music but I can't resist giving you a little piece of my own soul. For me, Bach is life - you breathe air, you drink water, you listen to Bach. Try the cello suites when you want to be transported someplace else for a while.

India Arie

India Arie describes her EP "Songversation Medicine" as a collection of affirmations, prayers, and blessings. It's not necessarily religious material (nothing wrong with that, if it's your jam btw), just deeply felt and soulful.

Hey, Jude

Yes, of course you know this song. But did you know that Paul McCartney was inspired to write it as comfort to John Lennon's son, Julian, when his parents were divorcing? What anthem would you give your kids (or the kids around you) as comfort in the hard times?

Putumayo Music

Putumayo have been bringing world music to new audiences for years, with particular albums made just for kids as well as their usual catalogue offerings. Check out their website for full listings of all their fabulous albums. If you're interested in world music, check out the WOMAD festival in New Plymouth every year. There's always something new and amazing.


This song was actually created to be the most relaxing music in the world. Whether or not it actually works for you is down to closing your eyes, having a listen, and melting into your chair - or not, if it really winds you up! Find the science behind it here.

Spiegel Im Spiegel

The world of contemporary classical music can seem daunting and unfamiliar but there are gems everywhere, just like this one. You'll often find them on film soundtracks (this track was used in the film Wit). If you enjoy this, check out some of the extraordinary music written on the soundtrack of movies like Arrival, The Hours, or If Beale Street Could Talk.

Gustav Mahler

If only I could fill this page with all the extraordinary songs that Mahler wrote exploring the human condition. I will leave you with this one - a favourite of mine and with the translation under the video clip so you can know what she's saying. I thought long and hard about putting his Kindertotenlieder (Songs on the Death of Children) on here. I'll leave you to seek them out if you feel like you need them. They are heart-breaking but so very beautiful and, sadly, sometimes true.

Jill Scott

There is no artist that combines spoken word, jazz, hip-hop, and general awesomeness better than Jill Scott. This outpouring of gratitude just makes you smile. What's your jam that makes you feel blessed?

Take Your Time

Isn't it amazing that we live in an age when we can hear something on a tv show and then just look it up and find it? I heard this song on an episode of Queer Eye and knew I had to find it. One quick search and it's done. Easy! Have you heard something somewhere that you want to find again? Do it! (That episode, btw, was called "Elrod & Sons" from Season 3 of Queer Eye - highly recommended!)

When I Grow Up

I love love LOVE music theatre. SO many gems!! Given that this is a family resources page, I had to go with Tim Minchin's "Matilda". These lyrics will make you cry and your kids will look at you like "What?" and you'll be all "Just wait until you grow up..."


Yeah, yeah, yeah.... it's not music, it's just noise... I bet your parents said the same thing to you. Chances are you know absolutely nothing about rap and hip-hop but it may be what fires up your kids. And for damn good reason. At its best, rap and hip-hop is deeply connected to its roots in social justice and protest and sticking a massive finger up at the status quo and saying "not good enough". They're not the first. Rock and roll had something to say about the way things were. So did punk. So how about you open your mind, get woke, and get listening? You might learn something. I could have gone down so many roads here with protest songs (you're lucky I didn't put up Rage Against the Machine). Tupac gets the nod here because he's legendary since his death and he gave us THUG LIFE - the hate you give little infants f***s everybody (the language might be confronting for you but it's the modern vernacular and, more importantly, it's truth). Check out the Broadway musical Hamilton if you need proof that rap and hip-hop can be the foundation of something considered legit by people whose opinions you're likely to agree with. And it's full of bad language. Welcome to the modern age.

Bob Dylan

You're outraged after being dragged through the rap? Allow me to point out that protest music has been going on for years and there have always been musicians out there sticking it to the man. Even before you were born. Even before Mozart was born. I have my reservations about Bob Dylan as a human but there's no arguing that he's a damn fine songwriter with lots to say about throwing down the system. This is one of his best and has this little piece of not-so-subtle wisdom for us Mums and Dads (and proof that it's not just this current young generation telling their parents that they were out of step and behind the times):

Come mothers and fathers
Throughout the land
And don't criticize
What you can't understand

Check out the Tracy Chapman version of this. Dylan is almost always best when someone else is singing...
Your sons and your daughters
Are beyond your command
Your old road is rapidly agin'
Please get out of the new one
If you can't lend your hand
For the times they are a-changin'

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